
The backend assumes that the CveXplore package is installed first; check the package installation paragraph. Furthermore it assumes that only the package is installed and the complete code base is not on the system.


Please ensure that you have docker and docker-compose installed before processing with the rest of this paragraph.


The steps below (creating docker containers from package) are only available for versions >= 0.3.31

Retrieve the files which are present in the CveXplore/backend/docker/from_package folder; and save them to your home folder. Navigate into the CveXplore/backend/docker/from_package folder. Run the following command:

$ docker-compose build
$ cp CveXplore/backend/docker/docker-compose_example.yml ~/.cvexplore/docker-compose.yml
$ cp CveXplore/backend/docker/cvexplore-backend.service /etc/systemd/system/cvexplore-backend.service
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl start cvexplore-backend.service

If you want to auto-start the cvexplore-backend.service upon reboot; then run:

$ sudo systemctl enable cvexplore-backend.service

If all went well; you can look at the cli or package section of this documentation for the commands to check the tasks backend.


The backend tasks are powered by celery; please follow these instructions if you prefer to use systemd instead of a docker deployment

There are a few points to make notice of:

  • The celery.service command should consist of the following variables:

    1. $CELERY_BIN = Depending on your environment; e.g. ‘/home/basicuser/.local/bin/celery’

    2. $CELERY_APP = CveXplore.celery_app.cvexplore_daemon

    3. $CELERYD_OPTS = -O fair –without-heartbeat –without-gossip –without-mingle

All other variables are to be set as you wish, it is however advised to run at least 2 worker nodes; so $CELERYD_NODES should be at least 2 nodes long; e.g.:”worker1 worker2”

  • The celerybeat.service command should consist of the following variables:

    1. $CELERY_BIN = Depending on your environment

    2. $CELERY_APP = CveXplore.celery_app.cvexplore_daemon

    3. The ExecStart should be appended (after the word beat) with -S redbeat.RedBeatScheduler to make use of the dynamic taskadjustments functionalities